Year 1
Compulsive: Sketch︱Color Theory︱Graphic Structure︱Color Structure ︱3D Structure ︱Inductive Painting ︱Pattern Study︱Chinese Font︱History of Arts and Crafts ︱Design History
Selective: Folk Arts︱Photography Fundamentals
Year 2
Compulsive: Logo Design︱Graphic Design︱Equipment Design︱Software Applications
Selective: Arts Appreciation︱Music Appreciation
Year 3
Compulsive: DIVI Design︱Web Design ︱Package Design ︱Advertising Photography
Selective: Clothes Design︱Design Aesthetics
Year 4
Compulsive: POP Design ︱Graduation Practice︱Graduation Design︱Advertising Design
Selective: Makeup Skills︱Calligraphy
Four-year full time
Entry requirement
Reach 300 points in Chinese College Entrance Examination and pass the specialty Examinations required by BJCMA.
Where to Next?
Many graduates have been offered a full-time position with their placement employer when they have graduated from the course. They entered into some fields like press house, interior decoration company, advertising company. Some have developed their own enterprises.